Frequently Asked Questions

What grades does GRCA include?

We plan to open for grades pre-K - 12 for the 2023-2024 school year.

Will lunch be provided?

GRCA does have an option to purchase a hot lunch from Spinelli’s. The cost for the year is $1,000.

Is Great Rock Christian Academy a school or a homeschool co-op?

Great Rock Christian Academy is a school in its early stages. The application process is in the works in order to get the school officially recognized by the Town of Danvers. Until that happens, however, it will operate more like a homeschool co-op, where parents need to complete homeschooling paperwork within their towns, submitting their letter of intent, the scope and sequences documents for each course, etc. Be sure to check with your specific school district to find out what they require. If you've filled out our "Interest Form" (found at the top of this page), we will send more detailed information about this process.

Are there any homeschool hybrid options?

Yes. For middle school and high school classes, we are now offering classes à la carte. The cost is $1,500 per course.

What curriculum do you use?

We will be adopting the Abeka curriculum for all grades. This curriculum will be supplemented with other resources as well. We will be updating our Scope & Sequence page shortly to reflect the curriculum selections.

Will my child have a transcript at the end of the year?

Yes, we will be able to issue your child a valid transcript at the end of the school year.

Is Great Rock Christian Academy an accredited school?

No. But that doesn't mean your child’s education won't "count". The accreditation process for schools is often a lengthy process where the school needs to prove that they deliver a quality education and meet certain standards. Evidence is often based on student work samples, assessment data, etc. These pieces of the process cannot happen until a school is already established. We will have the opportunity to work towards applying for accreditation once the school has been up and running, but the process often takes years.